
Oscar is one of seven siblings and needs your support for his health, recreation, and education.

Oscar lives with his 3 brothers and 3 sisters in Loma Linda, Guatemala. His mother is a housewife and his father works as a farmer on the community coffee plantation. His business has suffered because of the coffee blight, and his family has been impacted by the declining economy.

In his free time, Oscar loves to listen to music and dance. His favorite color is red and his favorite food is chicken (cooked until it is crispy and golden!). Oscar is a very good student, but is plagued by a pain in his right knee which prevents him from playing soccer and hanging out with his friends. He needs treatment and physical therapy for this ailment.

With $320, Oscar can get the support he and his family need to continue his academic experience, as well as get treatment for his knee so he can keep playing with his friends and stay healthy!