
Alex is a six-year-old in need of sponsorship

Alex is a six-year-old in the second grade from Loma Linda, Guatemala. He lives with his parents and brother in a small home that they share with his maternal uncle and other family members. His mother tends to the household while his father works as a laborer in the coffee fields. The majority of the economy in Loma Linda is based on coffee production, which is currently suffering greatly due to a blight.

Alex is an academic leader for his grade at the Official Rural School of Loma Linda. He enjoys playing soccer and other games with his friends on the lone, dirt soccer field in the village. His favorite color is red and his favorite food is eggs. Alex suffers from many illnesses, such as a frequent flu, a bad cough, dental problems, headaches, and stomach pains. The nearest health center is 35 kilometers away.

For $320, Alex will be able to continue thriving in school, access recreation, and receive much-needed healthcare.